A mission movement, which can ensure the participation of common public in the developmental initiatives and which can extend the outcome of the scientific, technological, social and economic developments, uniformly to the common public, is the need of the hour. Presently, majority of the common public are alienated from the main stream of development without having any participation in any developmental initiatives. Capacity has to be generated among these sections to make them capable to become the part of all development initiatives. The digital divide between the haves and have nots is increasing day by day. There exists lot of experiences which show that development initiatives are the ones that should come from the public and not the ones which are to be imposed upon them from somewhere. It is to be ensured that the general publics are getting the benefit of the development projects and that they should also have a decisive partnership in development activities.
To awake an enthusiasm among the people on development initiatives, the novel section of knowledge, technology and scientific developments should reach the grass root level people. The developments that are based on democracy, secularism and equality are aiming at the development of the community along with individual development. The democratic development in the nation can be ensured only when the people participate, confidently and successfully, in their personal development as well as in the prosperity of the locality and society in which they live.
The national policy for economic development focuses on integrated development. Scientific and technological development should be made completely available to the people. There should be an elite understanding between scientists, technocrats and grass root level people. To materialize all these aims, a co-ordination of all those who believe in the democracy and secularism, whether they belong to politics, science, technology, academics, social works, labour, common public or beaurocrats, is highly essential. All 2 these situations well explain the need of a unified effort and this in turn resulted in the formation of Janasree Sustainable Development Mission. Janasree Sustainable Development Mission, organised under the chairmanship of Shri.M.M.Hassan, former Minsiter, Govt.of Kerala and KPCC Spokes person, is conceived as a common platform for all the public functionaries who are willing to spare their time for working towards national development.
The Sustainable Development Mission aims at participating the people in development sectors and thereby to extend the development initiatives to the grass root level. By focusing on the fact that development is something that cannot be imposed upon the people, from higher-ups, but it is an initiative that should come up from the people itself, Janasree Sustainable Development Mission tries to generate among the people not only a wish for development but also an enthusiasm for working towards development.
Unique features of Janasree SHGs
- The only state-wide NGO in Kerala, based on Gandhian Principles, with both male and female representation.
- Governance of the Mission by elected bodies at different tiers from the apex state level to the Panchayat.
- The tiers are purely non-financial which have no stakes in the financial management of the Groups including bank loans. The role is promotion, follow-up and monitoring only.
- Every Group and every member to be protected under LICs Insurance packages Group/Individual.
- Family Empowerment through family bondage is the principal motto.
- Gainful Employment, economic prosperity and graduation of the Groups through micro finance are business objectives of the Groups.
The major objectives of Janasree are:
- To find and develop awareness of voluntary service for the citizens of India.
- To promote national sufficiency and to build up the economic strength of the country.
- To promote the social and moral well being of the community and to mitigate the privations and hardships of its less favoured sections.
To draw out the available unused time, energy and other resources of the people and direct them into various fields of social and economic activity.
To fulfill the objectives conceived, Janasree will render assistance for the formation and strengthening of Self Help Groups and Microfinance Institutions which can remain as: - Powerful instrument to combat poverty.
- Medium for accessing small savings to the people belonging to marginalized and deprived sections.
- The means by which the participation of the deprived section in the main stream of the society can be ensured.
- The platform for granting credit for self employment and other financial requirements of the poor people.
- The medium for uplifting the dignity of women and to develop gender equality and thereby to improve social health of the community.
- The medium for the conservation and utilization of public and private resources.
- Adults from the same household can be members (Kudumba Kootayma and family empowerment)
- Community, Religion, Politics and Economic bifurcations (APL and BPL) are not counted in any manner for Janasree memberships.
- Member of other SHGs are not encouraged. They may however, resign such memberships and join.
- Maximum priority for SC/ST and tribal groups and groups from the coastal areas.
- Special attention in forming physically challenged groups
- Children below 18 years can be associate members of janasree Groups but without voting rights and without the right of regular members.
- Reservation of positions for women.
The other major activities of the Mission are:
- Development of basic amenities
- Social reformation
- Social infrastructure Development
- Local Resources Mobilization
- Agriculture & Agro based initiatives
- Modernisation of small industries
- Ensuring people’s participation in planning, implementation and evaluation of development initiatives.
- Generation of scientific and technical knowledge among the society on issues related to the general life style.
- Formation and management of integrated rural developmental programmes.
- Promotion of self employment initiatives.
- Action research programmes.
So far, Janasree Sustainable Development Mission which has its base on family union has organized District Missions, Block Unions and 60000 plus local units in the form of Janasree Sanghoms. This Mission programme which ensures the participation of more than ten lakhs people, as of present, is generating a massive impact on the socio economic development sector of Kerala.
Janasree Sustainable Development Mission is organised as a democratic cadre movement. It is a six tier setup comprising of committees at State, District, Block, Mandal/Ward/Group levels. Over and above the Janasree Sanghoms, there witll be Ward Yogam, Mandalam Sabha, Block Union, District Committees and State Committee. The activities will be lead and monitored by state committee which, comprises of representatives from district committees. Preparation of resources survey, participation in development drives, preparation of development projects etc. come under the responsibility of these committees.
The basic development centres are the sabhas at the mandalam level. Janasree will remain as an encouraging force that can undertake socio economic development programmes by organizing, locally, those who have capacity and leadership qualities. This will in turn ensure the development of various sectors which can generate employment opportunities, enhance income generation and ensure moderate division of the same among the people.
This Ward Yogam will in due course, function as the Development Centres that will induce attention in the needs of the local people by linking with local administration, funding institutions, marketing centres and all other related institutions.
There will be, an average of 10-15 Block Unions in each district. The aim is to setup one union in each block. District Mission, the apex organization at district level will manage 15 blocks. Hence District Mission will emerge itself as the organization which co-ordinates and manage and the total activities of the district. The co-opting of eminent and efficient personalities from various sectors is also ensured in the district committee.
The participation of eminent and efficient personalities from the locality will be ensured in the activities of Janasree Sanghoms which undertake the grassroots level activities. This will help in strengthening the society.
Poverty Eradication – The Major Policies
Poverty which is prevalent in the society even after the nation developed in almost all sectors is the curse of the society which needs to be addressed by focusing on the real victims of poverty who are the grass root level people living in the weaker, marginalized and underprivileged sections of the society. The failure of the policy makers and others at the upper strata of the society is the basis of poverty and not the incapability of the people belonging to the lower strata of the society.
Janasree Sustainable Development Mission, through Janasree Sanghoms proposes the following policies for the eradication of poverty.
Janasree Mission’s support services to Groups
- The structure of Janasree Mission itself a six tier system (non financial) for effective functioning.
- Developed a dedicated work force as functionaries from the base level onwards.
- Sensitization, exposure, training and refresh trainings are continuous processes for every one in the Mission and Groups.
- Periodical seminars, workshops and reviews at state, district and block levels.
- Developed a trained cadre group in every district-key Resource Persons (KRPs). They are now trainers also.
- Nurturing, training, guiding, monitoring and follow-up of the groups in their activities and credit linkage are the prime responsibilities of Janasree Mission.
- Close supervision over effective utilization of funds and repayment of bank loans by groups are available from the mission.
- Janasree Mission provides guidance and support in all spheres of Groups empowerment processes.
- Employment/Work
- Continuous and uninterrupted loan provision even to the poorest of the poor.
- Recognizing the fact that each person has the capacity to start their own entrepreneurship.
- Identify the reality that each entrepreneur can remain as a mediator who can bring in peace, prosperity and equality in the society.
- Identify the reality that globalization and the technological advancements are ways for eradicating poverty.
- Prepare a strategic Business Plan for each family.
- Be self sufficient by producing what we need for our food through organic farming methods which promote sustainable development instead of the ones which can destroy the sustainability.
Promotes self employment opportunities as a major tool for poverty
The microcredit programme of Janasree Sustainable Development Mission ensures the following policies. - Sustainable Development
- To make the credit facility available for each family as per the SBP.
- Provide preference to credit for entrepreneurship and housing rather than for consumption needs.
- Provide credit to the needy, continuously and uninterruptedly, by sticking on minimum documental procedures.
- Enhance the repayment of the loan.
- Provide further loans to the members to help them graduate to next step.
- Minimum interest rates.
- Taking the bank to the people instead of the people going to the bank.
- Consider the accessibility of credit facility as the fundamental right of any citizen.
- Consider subsidies and other free financial products as the ones which will help only in increasing dependability and as the ones which hinder the escape of people from poverty.
- Promotion of the message: “Do not wait for others to generate employment opportunities for ourselves; create our own employment opportunities.”
Agriculture and Allied Activities
- Development of minor irrigation
- Installation of community pumpsets
- Renovation of disused community tanks
- Water management and proper use of water for irrigation
- Development of proper drainage in paddy fields
- Construction of wells for irrigation
- Soil conservation measures
- Co-ordinate the use of surface and ground water
- Rain water harvesting
- Popularisation of high yielding variety seeds for cultivation and prevent reclamation of paddy fields.
- Cultivation of green manure crops.
- Making compost from waste
- Kitchen garden in every home
- Improve the technology for conserving moisture and ensure better use of land & water resources Reduce vulnerability to drought through suitable changes in drought prone area and drought relief programmes.
- Promotion of pump sets, power tillers, small tractors, and improved agricultural implements.
- Repairing and service of agriculture implements.
- Popularisation of organic farming
- Campaign against chemical pesticides
- Value addition of organic vegetables and fruits
Animal Husbandry & Dairying
- Rearing milch cattle
- Goat rearing
- Piggery
- Poultry
- Formation of milk co-operatives for procurement and distribution of milk products.
- Common cold storage facility for fish, dairy and poultry products.
- Gobar gas
- Identification of ponds, tanks etc. for aquaculture.
- Fresh water fish culture
- Brackish water fish culture
- Cultivable prawns, fishes and other aquatic organisms
- Formation of fish farmers co-operative societies.
- Housing programme in fishermen colonies
- Inland fisheries programme
- Problems of traditional fishermen
- Identify fishing villages with a view to planning full employment
- Monitoring of Microcredit programmes of Janasree Sanghoms.
- Value Addition of Microcredit Programmes of Janasree Sanghoms.
- Arranging uninterrupted microcredit to the Janasree Sanghoms with the help of Janasree Block Union.
Information Technology
- E-Literacy
- IT-Enabled Services
- Upgradation of Microcredit with the help of ST
Sustainable Development Entrepreneurship
- Identification of trainers, establishing sustainable development entrepreneurship.
- Awareness Campaign about sustainable development.
- Value addition of products from Sustainable development entrepreneurship.
Co-operation & Credit
- Membership campaign
- Arrangement through co-operatives, supply of inputs to farmers
- Educating the farmers on the economic aspect of co-operation
- Developing marketing societies
- To help bring essential consumption goods to the easy reach of the poor
- To build up a consumer protection movement
- To help restructure and strengthen the public distribution system
- To help revitalize panchayats, co-operatives and local bodies.
- Marketing co-operatives and outlets
- Regulated markets & marketing yards
- Grading and quality control of Janasree Products
- To augment facilities for modern storage and processing of agricultural and other produces.
- Arranging Export facilities for organic products
Local Resource Mobilisation
- Promotion of savings habit
- Small savings campaign
- Fight against usurious money lending practices and rural indebtedness
Minimum needs Programme
- Rural drinking water facilities
- Steps to assure replenishment of basic life saving drugs in the rural dispensaries and chemist shops.
- Cleaning up public wells.
- Renovating wells used by weaker sections of society.
- Identification of locally available food materials and popularizing them.
Rural Roads & Inland water ways
- Cleaning of village tanks and providing necessary outlets and bunding to prevent pollution.
- Construction of culverts wherever necessary
- Maintenance of roads
- Maintenance of waterways and canals
- Public comfort facilities near market centres.
- Identification of houseless families.
- House building programmes, utilizing locally available materials.
- Popularising low cost housing
- To ensure voluntary involvement for house construction programmes
- To undertake programmes for the construction of houses for SC/ST
Village and Small Scale Industries
- Identify entrepreneurial talents and help develop them.
- Identification of traditional skills in the locality.
- Assessment of raw material requirements so as to ensure timely supply.
- Design and production to suit the changing consumer demand.
- Organisation or training programme for craftsmen, artisans.
- Liaison arrangements to tap bank credit for this programme.
- Marketing of finished products
- Popularising the use of such products.
Labour & Employment
- To ensure poverty alleviation programmes reach all below the poverty line.
- To help dovetail employment opportunity in the programmes for area development and human resource development and thus help create national and community assets.
- To ensure correlation of the various rural development programmes for improving productivity and production and to expand rural employment.
- To promote hand looms handicrafts, village and small industries and improve skills for self-employment
Health and Environment
- Education for a healthy habitat.
- Popularization of E.S.P.type latrines
- Vaccination campaign (smallpox, cholera, polio, BCG)
- Encourage voluntary blood donations
- Control of mosquito
- To organize health camps
- To help improve the quality of primary health care
- Improve sanitation facilities in rural and urban areas.
- To expand maternity and child care facilities
- To work for the conservation, protection and restoration of our natural heritage.
- To mobilize popular support for environmental protection activities.
- To promote activities which help to maintain the ecological balance of environment.
- Enhance public awareness on the danger of environmental degradation
- To promote recognition that enduring development demands preservation of the ecology.
- To help restrict the growth of slums and to provide basic facilities for the existing slums.
Social Forestry
- To pursue programmes for afforestation and reforestation.
- To implement programmes for social and farm forestry.
- To fraise fuel wood plantations for the urban and rural poor.
- To promote softwood cultivation
- To promote cultivation of fodder trees and shrubs.
- To help reclaim waste lands for productive use.
- Plant appropriate vegetation in hill, desert and coastal areas.
- To take up non-conventional energy programmes such as smokeless chulahs, wind mills, solar energy, biogas, biomass and thus help develop alternative sources of energy.
- To promote energy plantations in waste lands.
- To involve youth in promoting national integration, cultural values, scientific temper secularism etc.
- To help universalize elementary education.
- To promote non formal education and functional literacy programmes.
- To stimulate adult literacy programmes with the participation of youth and students.
- To help improve the content of education at all levels.
- To help set up a responsive administration having simplified procedures with delegation of authority while enforcing accountability.
- To set up watching committees for monitoring administrative bottlenecks from the panchayat level.
Major Support activities under Micro finance
(on-going at present)- Varieties of micro enterprises in the industry, Services and Business Sector.
- Self Employment.
- Farm based Activities-Agriculture, Horticulture, Vegetables cultivation.
- Promotion of Organic Agriculture for food security.
- Promotion of Medicinal plants
- Diary Development.
- Energy conservation-Biogas, solar energy and CF Lamps.
Janasree Mission’s expectations from :
- Other similar organizations Believes in healthy environment and mutual co-existence. Mission therefore seeks corporation from other NGOs propagating micro finance.
- Banks May provide necessary financial assistance to the mission in the graduation processes of micro finance and support activities (for conducting seminars, workshops, training etc).
- To provide necessary financial assistance as the requirements are huge and beyond our means.
- To build up adequate mechanism for effective monitoring of Janasree Mission SHGs and their credit linkage since large number of banks/branches are involved with huge bank loans spread throughout the State.
Janasree Mission and Banks
- Janasree Mission promotes microfinance and SHGs strictly on the guidelines of RBI and NABARD
- SLBC Kerala permitted opening of SB accounts of Janasree SHGs with all banks in the state of Kerala ( 19 . 11 . 2007 )
- SLBC Kerala permitted credit linkage of Janasree SHGs satisfying the norms stipulated by RBI and NABARD ( 29 . 09 . 2008 )
- Commercial banks, Co-operative banks and two RRBs – SMGB and NMGB provide necessary assistances.
Special Features
- Janasree Mission promotes financial inclusion by providing financial services to all.
- The activities of janasree mission closely adheres to its mission to service low income clients-women, men and their families.
- The client focused financial service and designed to enhance their wellbeing and delivered in a transparent and cost effective manner.
- High standard of professionalism exists in the programmes which are coined with a sense of dedication to serve the poor.
- The clients are being continuously educated about the financial service such as interest charges and all other charges as well as the policies and procedures.
- To protect against fraud sand cheats, the clients are given financial literacy. Fair practices which protect the dignity of the clients are being followed in the recovery of loans.
- Participatory concurrent monitoring, management, reporting and evolution which include both the social and financial date uphold the social values. Impact assessment of the services will be made through feedback and the suggestion of the beneficiaries.
- Janasree Mission strengthens the microfinance movement by bringing the low income clients to the mainstreams financial sectors by building 17 progressive, sustainable and client-centric microfinance institutions by name “microfin”.
- Integrated financial services are provided to the beneficiaries by promoting co-operation and co-ordination among microfinance institution and other development agencies working in this sector.
Perspectives of Janasree Mission in Micro finance sector
- Well nourished 100000 groups in position in the state by December 2011
- Coverage of all Tribal colonies, SC/ST dwelling and entire costal belt of the state.
- Formation of at least 50 SHGs of physically challenged person by December 2010
- Formation of at least 150 Organic Villages and creation of markets for them by the name “Thanima “by December 2010.
- Organizing 150 Janasree Farmers clubs during 2010-11
- Cluster based development of different occupational traders for SHGs
- Strengthening of the Mission’s Tier system in all districts.
- Strengthening of the regular training establishment through out the State.
- Organizing Friends of Janasree units in India and abroad.
- Spread of Janasree Mission throughout the country.